I met Bill In 1971 when I began working at NJIT. He was a physics professor who was also working with the EOP Program, I was a counselor who also helped out with EOP. He and I became fast friends. In 1990 I became director of the Upward Bound Program and asked Bill if he would help me get the program off of the ground. He enthusiastically agreed. A couple of years later he brought me the idea of applying for the New Upward Bound Math/Science Program. We wrote the proposal and submitted it to the Department of Education. We were successful and began a unique program of Math and Science with Bill as the coordinator. Our friendship continued to grow as we worked closely to provide high school students with an excellent Math and Science education.

Over the years of working together, we found that we shared many interests. We enjoyed music, art, sports, shopping, eating, travel and so much more.

Bill introduced me to his family and friends. Before long I felt like I was a member of the family. We shared information about our children and then our grandchildren. His friends also became my friends.

Bill was a true friend to me, more like an older brother who was always looking out for me. I will truly miss him.
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